VLCC Diamond Facial Kit – Review / Demo / DIY Facial at Home

Diamond – the precious gem has been traditionally known as a woman’s best friend. VLCC has taken this relation a step further and has designed a complete facial with Diamond Bhasma that fights premature aging of skin and offers an instant glow and polish to the skin. Diamond Bhasma or ash that is obtained through heating and pulverizing diamonds with herbs has cell renewing and rejuvenating properties. It also improves skin’s metabolism, helps in absorption of active ingredients, and hydrates and detoxifies skin.

The facial kit includes:
– Comfrey Cleanser cum Toner
– Diamond Scrub
– Diamond Detox Lotion
– Diamond Massage Gel
– Diamond Wash-off Mask
– Oil Free Moisturizing Gel

For Order: https://www.saloni.pk/vlcc-diamond-facial-kit/

How To do Facial & It’s Benefits

Human skin and its sensation is quite soft. It’s very essential that we need to take care skin according to its tone. Facial helps maintaining skin’s true beauty and liveliness. With the help of facial, you can treat dark spots on skin along with different types of freckles. Facial means, you include all the methods which are basically to help skin maintain its cleanliness and freshness.

Things to do while doing facial
1, Cleansing
2, Massage
3, Scrub
4, Steam
5, Mask
6, Skin Polish

Cleansing means to clean. First, you need to wash your face with warm water. Then slowly massage your face with your hands and dry with tissue paper. There are different types of cleansers available in the market like for oily skin cleansing lotion, for dry skin cleansing cream and for normal skin cleansing milk is quite beneficial.

Massage means when we use our hands to stimulate face. Massage could be done with double or triple action cream. Human skin has little pores and when we massage our skin, these little pores open up which is very good for skin. With massage, you can avoid white heads and black heads on face.

Massage your face with a scrub for 4-5 minutes and left it for five more minutes. Then wash off face with a sponge.

Apply any good skin polish on your neck and face and left it for twenty minutes. Then wash off face and neck with a sponge.

With the help of steam, skin pores are opened up which due to facial get close. Put some drops of lemon juice in hot water and get steam up-to 4-5 minutes.

Apply any good mask on face and when mask dries up, wash off face with fresh water.

Benefits of Facial
1- Facial is important to maintain skin pores’ natural condition.
2- Facial helps to maintain blood flow.7
3- Facial reduces extra fat from face.
4- Facial relaxes skin.
5- With facial, you feel more beautiful.
6- Facial helps reduces skin diseases.
7- With facial, skin gets soft and flexible. 

